Campaign FAQs

I am running both a campaign version and one-shot versions of the Black Talons adventures.

I’ve been playing and running roleplaying games for decades, and on StartPlaying for a while now. I’ve been running a series of one-shots, but here I am, setting up an actual campaign. That’s led to some questions, so I’ve tried to answer them here.

Why a campaign version? What’s different about how I’m running a campaign? What’s the difference between the campaign version and my one-shots? Which should you choose?

Why A Campaign?

There’s two big reasons. First, it’s just too stressful to not know whether or not you’ll be running a game that evening for each and every session… and whether or not you’ll have enough players for a specific story. Also, four hours straight in the evening on a weekday is a pretty large chunk of time.

Second, and more important to me, because of story. Running these one-shots has led to them all being a lot more rich and developed than I anticipated. But that also means some parts get rushed and others shut down entirely, simply because the one-shot has to end in one session.

It’s the difference between the one-shot and campaign versions of Strahd … just moreso.

One-Shots or Campaign?

It’s really going to depend on what kind of experience you want. If you want more freedom to explore and interact with the world and to develop your character, I would recommend the campaign style, even if you have scheduling issues (see below). If you only have time for an evening here and there, then one-shots are your bag.

If you are part of an existing group (or running an existing group) and for whatever reason need an interim session or three between campaign arcs or while the GM is busy or ill, I take requests to run a one shot.

How is the campaign being run?

If you’re just looking for a “regular” campaign, the you do not need to worry about anything in this section, just sign up and show up! Otherwise, read on!

The campaign is a sort of hybrid between a Westmarches style and a “traditional” campaign. There are traditional-style adventures and quests, but they are crafted to last between one to four sessions. Players will commit to an adventure at a time, so the members of a party may change between each of these adventures.

When the campaign is approaching a new adventure or quest, it will be posted on ahead of time so if you had to skip a quest, you’ll have an opportunity to join the next one.

What’s the difference between the campaign version and your one-shots?

  • Individual sessions will be shorter — approximately two to three hours.
  • This campaign will have threads and entire plots from the one-shots, but they are changed in ways both big and small.
  • Players will have more time to explore the world and run down clues.
  • Player actions and decisions will have a more obvious and lasting effect on the game world.
  • Character’s backstories and personal goals will be much more relevant.

How many players? What system? What platform?

I’m looking for three to six people for each quest/adventure in the campaign setting. Currently I’m going to stick with 5e D&D (or “Dungeons and Dragons 2014”) for the time being. I am currently using D&D Beyond, Roll 20, and Discord, but with the current changes, I’m looking into other solutions as well.

But I Want More One-Shots

I am continuing to schedule one-shots — both ones that I’ve ran before as well as new ones. In addition to my scheduled time(s), please feel free to reach out and request a session time.